
Tuesday, 27 September 2011

How to Fold a Rose out of a Napkin

A paper napkin flower made with paper folding can be used to impress a date.
Make a paper napkin flower with folding instructions from a graphic artist in this free video on paper folding.

Things You'll Need
Paper napkin

1.  Unfold a paper napkin, holding it vertically.  Fold about two inches from
     the top of the napkin towards you.  On the upper right hand corner of
     the napkin, hold with your right hand.  On the upper left hand corner of
     the napkin, hold the corner between your pointer and middle fingers. 

2.  Holding both corners of the napkin, move your right hand counter
     clockwise, winding the napkin in around the two fingers of your
     left hand.  The folded portion of the napkin should continue to face you. 

3.  Continue to wind the napkin until a couple of inches remain.  At the very
     edge of the fold that is facing you, fold the corner of the edge upwards.
     Continue winding the napkin. 

4.  Grip the napkin with your right hand, directly underneath your left fingers.
     The space above your right hand is the flower and the space below your
     right hand will be the stem.  Begin twisting the stem area of the napkin
     from the top down.  Stop when you are about halfway down the stem. 

5.  At the center of the stem, pull the unraveling corner of the napkin upward
     and outward to create the leaf.  Continue twisting just beyond the leaf,
     until the stem is complete.
This fun napkin trick can be created with any paper napkin or paper towel, but a thin, two- or three-ply sheet is easiest to work with. Also, using multi-colored napkins in pinks or reds, or any shade you can get your hands on, can add a fun touch and give your rose some added colorful charm.

While the paper rose is an impressive bar trick for a first date, please be sure not to substitute paper roses for the real thing as your relationship progresses! Remember, particularly on those special days like Valentine's and birthdays, that a real bouquet of beautiful roses just can't be beat!