
Sunday, 1 April 2012

Family Lent Calendar.

Family Lent Calendar Explained
22 Feb – Take your family to an Ash Wednesday liturgy and wear the cross of ashes all day.
23 Feb – Tape a drawing of a vase on the fridge and label it, “Lent”. Each day draw a flower in the vase and watch Lent blossom.
24 Feb – Share a meatless family meal. Discuss your Lenten offerings to be sure all are doable and sacrificial.
25 Feb – Choose a family Lenten offering, such as giving up desserts, attending daily Mass, or praying a family Rosary regularly.
26 Feb – After Mass today, explain the Gospel and the homily in terms your children can understand.
27 Feb – Contact Any Relief Services to see how you can help any of their ongoing projects.
28 Feb – Invent a new family prayer you can say together each day.
29 Feb – Take stock of how your Lenten fasts are going, and refresh your commitment to them.

01 Mar – Before eating your family meal together, ask each person to say a spontaneous prayer.
02 Mar – Pray for the people in the world who can’t afford to have meat as a regular part of their diets.
03 Mar – Turn off the Television, unplug the computers, and take the phone off the hook for half an hour to pray the family Rosary.
04 Mar – Before Mass today, pick a saint represented in one of the statues in your church and find out more about him or her during the lent.
05 Mar – Collect stuffed animals or soft pillows in good condition and bring them to a local nursing home. Older folks love soft things to hug.
06 Mar – Ask each person to share a game, toy or treat with someone else in your home.
07 Mar – Plan how each of you can show kindness or compassion to someone else tomorrow.
08 Mar – Think of someone you don’t like and say three nice things about him or her.
09 Mar – Figure out how much your family saved by not eating meat today, and put that money in the poor box at church.
10 Mar – At bedtime, say “Let’s turn our hearts to God and think of Him.” Sit in silence for a few minutes.
11 Mar – Light a candle in Church today for someone who passed away or who needs special help.
12 Mar – Ask each family member to write a letter to Jesus thanking Him for his sacrifice on The Cross.
13 Mar – Make cookies and bring them to a nearby nursing home.
14 Mar – Encourage each family member to perform an examination of conscience.
15 Mar – Place a crucifix or picture of Jesus in a central place to keep the focus on Him.
16 Mar – Whenever someone does a good deed, put a jelly bean in a jar. Share the jelly beans at Easter!
17 Mar – Ask each person to make a sacrificial offering, such as doing an extra chore without being asked.
18 Mar – Laetare Sunday – Have a special meal at home or a restaurant to celebrate the half-way point through Lent.
19 Mar – Pick a friend or neighbour and perform an anonymous good deed for him or her.
20 Mar – Encourage all family members to refrain from bickering today.
21 Mar – Say a short prayer before each cross or crucifix in your home.
22 Mar – Make up a box for a needy family or homeless shelter. Put canned goods, clothing, toiletries and gently used toys in it.
23 Mar – Serve pretzels as a remainder that Catholics used to fast from milk, butter, eggs, cheese, cream and meat.
24 Mar – Make simple crosses out of construction paper. Write on them, “He died for me”, and post them around your home.
25 Mar – After Mass, light a candle, and recite the Apostle’s Creed as an affirmation of faith.
26 Mar – Pray for the victims of the earthquake still suffering.
27 Mar – Send a card to someone who might need cheering today.
28 Mar – Give up a favorite toy or treat just for today.
29 Mar – Visit someone who is sick and can’t leave home.
30 Mar – Place any final donations in the box you set up. Make a family trip to deliver it to its destination.
31 Mar – Go to Confession or attend a Reconciliation service. Then go out afterwards to celebrate forgiveness.

01 Apr – Have a Palm Sunday procession around the house and take turns playing Jesus.
02 Apr – Take a walk outside and look for signs of new life.
03 Apr – Forgive someone who hurt you today.
04 Apr – Get up 15 minutes earlier than usual today and pray as a family.
05 Apr – Wash and dry each other’s feet in commemoration of Jesus washing the feet of His Apostles.
06 Apr – Pray the Stations of the Cross today, and mediate on each one.
07 Apr – Dress a doll in a white garment and talk about the Baptismal vows we renew each year.
Calendar Symbols
The solid fish icon = A day of fasting and abstinence from meat
The plain fish icon = A day of abstinence from meat
We hope this Family Lent Calendar will be useful for all in this lent season as we prepare our best to celebrate Easter.