
Friday 31 May 2013

Christening Dress

Step 1: Christening Dress Part 1

Difficulty: Intermediate
Size: Approximately 10 1/2" across the bodice, and the skirt is 22" long, with the bodice it is approximately 27" long. Newborn to 3 months.
Materials: I did this pattern in #10 cotton thread with a C hook. I wanted a dainty look and it worked out really well. It took about 2,000 yards. This dress is open and airy and the gown will require a slip underneath. I made this from a cloth pattern. You will also need 4 Small Buttons; Satin Ribbon and pearl beads (optional). 2.35 steel hook for sleeves.
Gauge: Bodice Pat -10 1/2 dc=2", 8 rows=2"
Abbreviations: Cl = Cluster--(yo, draw a long lp thru ch) twice, yo, draw thru 4 lps on hk, yo, draw thru rem 2 lps on hk. Dtr = Double Treble--(Yo) 3 times, insert hk in next st and draw a lp thru, (yo and draw a lp thru first 2 lps on hk) 4 times. Tr tr = Triple Treble--(Yo) 4 times, insert hk in next st and draw a lp thru, (yo and draw a lp thru first 2 lps on hk) 5 times. Gr = Group--* leaving last lp of each st on hk, work 1 dtr around post of ea of next 4 sts *, sk next sc, rep from * to * once more (there are 9 lps on hk), yo and draw thru all lps on hk, ch 1 to close.

Step 2: Christening Dress Part 2Instructions:
Skirt: Worked in one piece to underarm, beg at lower edge. Ch 386.
Foundation row: Sc in 2nd ch from hk, * sc in ea of next 2 ch, sk 3 ch, (Cl, ch 1 ) 4 times in next ch, Cl in same ch, sk 3 ch, sc in ea of next 3 ch; rep from * across, turn all rows.
Row 1: Ch 1, sc in first sc,* ch 1, sk 2 sc, dc in sp bet sc and 1st Cl, ch 1, sc in sp bet 2nd and 3rd Cl, ch 3, sc in sp bet 3rd and 4th Cl, ch 1, dc in sp bet 5th Cl and next sc, ch 1, sk 2 sc, sc in next sc; rep from * across.
Row 2: Ch 10, sc in 3rd ch from hk, ch 1, sk 1 ch, dc in next ch, ch 1,sk 1 ch, trip next ch, ch 1,sk 1 ch, dtr in next ch, ch 1, * sc in next ch 3 sp, ch 1, sk next sc and dc, tr tr in next sc, ch 1, dtr in 2 front lps at base of tr tr, ch 1, tr in 2 front lps at base of dtr, ch 1, dc in 2 front lps at base of tr, ch 2, sc in 2 front lps at base of dc, ch 1, dc in same sp as dc, ch 1, tr in same sp as tr, ch 1, dtr in same sp as dtr, ch 1; rep from * to last ch 3 sp, sc in last ch 3 sp, ch 1, sk next sc and dc, tr tr in last sc, ch 1, dtr in 2 front lps at base of tr tr, ch 1, tr in 2 front lps at base of dtr, ch 1, dc in 2 front lps at base of tr, ch 1, dc in 2 front lps at base of dc (last dc forms turning ch).
Row 3: Ch 1, sc in top of turning dc, ch 5,* 1 gr, ch 5, sc in next ch 2 sp, ch 5; rep from * across, end last rep sc in last ch 2 sp.
Row 4: Ch 1, sc in first sc, * sc in ea of next 2 chs, sk 3 ch, (Cl, ch 1 ) 4 times in top of next gr, Cl in same sp, sk 3 ch, sc in ea of next 2 ch, sc in next sc; rep from * across. Work Rows 1 --4 for Pat St until skirt measures 22" from beg, end Row 3.
Next Row: Ch 3, sc in first ch 5 sp, * ch 2, sc in next ch 5 sp; rep from * to last ch 5 sp, sc in last ch 5 sp, ch 2, sc in last sc.
Next Row: Ch 1, (sc in next ch 2 sp) twice, * sc in next ch 2 sp, 2 sc in next ch 2 sp; rep from * across, end sc in sp bet last sc and turning ch--96 sts.
Next Row: Ch 2, sk first sc, dc in ea rem sc across.
Next Row: Ch 3, * tr in sp bet next 2 dc; rep from * across, end tr in sp bet last dc and turning ch.

Step 3: Christening Dress Part 3Divide For Front and Backs as follows:
Left Back:
Row 1: Ch 2, (dc in sp bet next 2 tr) 19 times, turn--20 sts.
Row 2:
Sl st in first st, sl st into first sp, ch 2, * dc in sp bet next 2 dc; rep from * across, end dc in sp bet last dc and turning ch.
Row 3: Ch 2, (dc in sp bet next 2 dc) 17 times, turn-18 sts.
Row 4: Ch 2, * dc in sp bet next 2 dc; rep from * across, end dc in sp bet last dc and turning ch.
Rep last row until piece measures 4" from division, end right side.

Shape Shoulder: Ch 1, sc in ea of next 3 sps, hdc in ea of next 6 sps, dc in ea sp across. Tie off.
Front: With right side facing, sk next 8 sps on division row and join yarn in next sp, ch 2, (dc in sp bet next 2 tr) 39 times, turn--40 sts.
Next Row: Sl st in first st and into first sp, ch 2, * dc in sp bet next 2 dc; rep from * to last sp, turn leaving last sp unworked.
Rep last row once more--36 sts.
Next Row: Ch 2, * dc in sp bet next 2 dc; rep from * across, end dc in sp bet last dc and turning ch.
Rep last row until 5 rows less than back have been worked to beg of shoulder shaping, thus ending on wrong side.

Shape Neck: Ch 2, (dc in next sp) 13 times, turn.
Next Row: Sl st in first st and into first sp, ch 2, * dc in next sp; rep from * across, end dc in sp bet last dc and turning ch.
Next Row: Ch 2, * dc in next sp; rep from * to last sp, turn leaving last sp unworked.
Rep last 2 rows once more--10 sts.

Shape Shoulder: Ch 2, * hdc in ea of next 5 sps, sc in ea of next 4 sps. Tie off.
With right side facing, sk next 8 sps on last long row of front and join yarn in next sp, ch 2, work to end. Complete to correspond to first side, reversing shapings.

Step 4: Christening Dress Part 4Right Back: With right side facing, sk next 8 sps on division row and join yarn in next sp, ch 2, work to end. Complete to correspond to left back, reversing shapings.
Neckline: With wrong side of work facing, work 12 sc evenly from the top of the shoulder, then sc in each sc across, and 12 sc evenly up to the other shoulder. Ch 1, turn.
Sc in next 12 sc, skip 3 sc, in next sc (Cl, ch1) 4 times, Cl in same space, skip 3 sc, sc in last 12 sc, ch 1, turn
Sc in next 12 sc, ch1, dc in sp between sc and 1st Cl, ch 1, sc in sp bet 2nd and 3rd Cl, ch 3, sc in sp bet 3rd and 4th Cl, ch 1, dc in sp between 5th Cl and next sc, ch 1, sc in last 12 sc, ch 1, turn.
Sc in 12 sc, work one Tree from Row 2 in the ch 3 space, sc in last 12 sc. Finish Off.

Sleeves: Using 2.35 steel hook.
Lower edge, ch 108, 3 (1st dc) 2 (1st space)
Row 1: Dc in 8th ch from hook, *ch2, skip 2 ch, dc in next ch* repeat from * to * across = 36 spaces. Ch 3, Turn.
Row 2: 2 dc in each space and 1dc in each dc across. Turn.
Row 3: Sl in first 4 dc, ch 3, dc in space between each dc to last 4 dc, leave unworked, Turn.
Row 4: Repeat Row 3
Row 5-6: Ch 3, dc in space between each dc across, Turn.
Row 7-19: Repeat Row 3, ending with 18 dc on row 19. Fasten off.
With right sides facing, using small overcast stitches, sew Rows 1 and 2 tog for underarm seam. Gather sleeve cap to fit armhole and pin evenly in place with right sides facing. Overcast stitch in place.

Step 5: Christening Dress Part 5Sleeve Edging:
Round 1: With right side facing, join thread in underarm seam at lower edge of sleeve, ch 1, sc in same place as joining. ch 5, skip next space. *sc in next dc, ch 5, skip next space*, rep from * to * around, ending with ch 2, dc in first sc instead of last loop of 5 ch (36 loops).
Round 2:
Ch 1, *sc in loop, shell (shell is 8dc) in next loop, sc in next loop, ch 5* rep from * to * around, ending with ch 2, dc in first sc instead of last loop of 5 ch.
Round 3: Ch 1, *sc in ch 5 loop, dc in next dc, (picot, dc in next dc) 7 times* rep from * to * around. Fasten Off.
Picot is worked with ch 3, slip st in 1st ch

Finishing: I sewed 3mm pearls along the neckline to embellish. (optional).
Weave ribbon through spaces in sleeve between the sleeve and edging. Tie Bow.
Sew buttons evenly spaced on the back of the gown for closure.