
Thursday 27 June 2013

Tomatoes Health Benefits...

Posted by Sandra Japa 

Tomatoes are a natural health secrets that provided by the Earth for humans. Tomatoes contain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, which are very good for improving endurance and health. Good tomatoes are tomatoes that are still fresh and fresh-picked, so the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals still intact.

Tomatoes that are eaten directly or made ​​into juice has the same benefits. Although the absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals will be more optimal if tomatoes juiced. Human digestive not have to work hard to digest if you eat tomatoes in juice form. Each of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that contained in tomatoes would have completely absorbed.
French people called tomatoes as the apple of love, it is because potassium minerals found in tomatoes can increase stamina and refresh the body after a tiring work activity. And not just the stamina to work, but also to maintain the quality of sexual desire for men. In addition, the high content of vitamin C in tomatoes is also very good for keeping the immune system in the body. Tomato juice is also beneficial to increase glycogen levels in human liver. With the liver remained stable and healthy, then you do not need to feel worried if you have to keep working hard. 

Tomato juice is beneficial for blood circulation and prevent prostate cancer because of the antioxidant called lycopene. In addition, another benefit is to control the stability of blood sugar and cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. Drinking tomato juice also improve the health of human bile. Bioflavonoids contained in tomato juice increases capillary resistance and can help avoid leaks in the blood vessels.

Drinking tomato juice is also very useful for maintaining a healthy digestive system while increasing your appetite. Tomato juice if consumed regularly can help cure the anorexia disease. Tomatoes and spinach that were served in the form of juice is very good for treating constipation.

Tomatoes Benefits for Skin Beauty
Tomatoes not only have many benefits for your health, but it turns out tomatoes are also very useful for maintaining skin beauty. Tomatoes are a fruit that is inserted into the vegetables. Having a high content of vitamins A, C, E, iron, and potassium. In addition, tomatoes also contain high antioxidant and astringent substances which are very good for maintaining skin beauty. 

Utilization of tomatoes to nourish skin beauty has actually been done for a long time ago, particularly to address blackheads and oily skin problems. However, several recent studies have provided additional information about the benefits of tomatoes for skin health and beauty. Here are some benefits of tomato for skin beauty:
Tomatoes are a natural health secrets that provided by the Earth for humans. Tomatoes contain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, which are very good for improving endurance and health. Good tomatoes are tomatoes that are still fresh and fresh-picked, so the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals still intact. 

Tomatoes that are eaten directly or made ​​into juice has the same benefits. Although the absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals will be more optimal if tomatoes juiced. Human digestive not have to work hard to digest if you eat tomatoes in juice form. Each of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that contained in tomatoes would have completely absorbed.
Tomato is a fruit that is multifunctional, not only beneficial for maintaining a healthy body, but the tomatoes are also effective for maintaining skin health and beauty. Tomatoes can work well on any skin type. They can provide help to overcome the problem of acne and oily skin. They can also be combined with other materials to address various skin problems. Benefits of tomatoes for skin health can not be underestimated. 

Tomatoes are rich in antioxidant, which helps to fight free radicals. In addition, they are also a source of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, iron, and potassium. These are all very important elements for skin beauty. Tomatoes also contains natural acids that serve to overcome the excess oil, which in turn can prevent the appearance of acne. Furthermore, tomatoes can reduce pore size, moisturize skin, and make skin soft and relaxed.

Tomatoes Health Benefits For Weight Loss

Tomatoes have many health and beauty benefits. Including to help lose weight. To get the maximum benefit for your health and your diet, it is advisable to consume this fruit regularly every day.

Tomatoes In Your Meal:

Some people who know little about the benefits of tomatoes want to lose weight quickly. They think just by eating tomatoes for a short time can make their body become slim fast. This is certainly wrong. Since there are no foods that contain all the nutrients the body needs, including tomatoes. Although tomatoes contain a variety of nutrients, but the consumption of tomatoes alone would not suffice for the needs of your body. You still need to eat a varied diet, but by incorporating tomatoes as one of the healthy foods in your diet.Weight loss program will work well if you cultivate a good lifestyle. Adjust your sleep patterns and run a nutritionally balanced diet. Make a glass of tomato juice as part of your breakfast menu.

Tomatoes Health Benefits In General:

Tomato plants originally came from around Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia are now spread almost all over the world. Tomato is a fruit that is inserted in the vegetable group. Has many benefits for health and beauty. Tomatoes can be processed into various types of cuisine, such as for sauce ingredients, as a spice in cooking, salads and sandwiches, and can also be processed into pickles.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fiber, dietary fat, protein, sugar and water. Eating tomatoes regularly can prevent disease, as well as to cure and control of several diseases. 
There are at least 10 tomatoes health benefits for the human body. In general, the health benefits of tomatoes are: 

1. Sources of High Antioxidants
Tomatoes contain antioxidants which are very high. Therefore, eating tomatoes is very good for skin health and organ cells in the body, because it can destroy free radicals caused by smoking, pollution and ultraviolet rays.

2. Effective Against Cancer
Tomatoes are a high source of lycopene. For information, lycopene is a substance that is very useful to prevent damage to body cells. And lycopene is also very useful in helping the body to fight prostate, cervix, stomach, and pancreas cancer.

3. Helps In Healing Lung Disease
Tomato juice is very good for consumption by those who suffer from lung diseases such as tuberculosis, bronchitis, and asthma. Consuming tomato juice regularly can help the healing process of these diseases.

4. Relieves Fever
Tomatoes also contain antipyretics. Therefore, eating tomatoes can also be useful to relieve fever.

5. Good For Patients With Diabetes
The results found that consuming tomato juice can inhibit the formation of blood clots. Therefore, it is recommended for those with diabetes to consume tomato juice on a regular basis, because it would be very helpful.