
Thursday 25 July 2013

Immeasurable Mercy

by Caroline Gavin

You ask Me, daughter,
How far stretches My mercy;
I tell You it spans farther
Than the vast blue sea.

Higher than the heavens,
Deeper than earth’s core,
Stronger than the boulders,
More than sands of the shore,

Such is My mercy, 
Unceasing and without end,
It is beyond your reckoning,
My daughter, My friend.

Let Me attempt to show you
The depth of My mercy:
Come now to My Holy Cross
On the hill of Calvary.

For every soul I bled, 
Willingly and out of love,
That mercy would stream to all
Without limit from Above.

So I ask you to share
This Message of love to all,
That they may experience mercy,
That they may hear My call.

Should you ever falter, 
Should you doubt My love for you,
Should you wonder if I care
Or question My mercy is true,

I ask you to come here,
To the Cross where I bleed,
For then you will feel My mercy,
I will fill your every need.

Yes, higher than the heavens, 
Deeper than earth’s core,
Stronger than the boulders,
More than sands of the shore,

Higher, deeper, stronger,
Such is the span of My mercy;
So let Me wrap you in My love,
Keeping you forever with Me.

Ephesians 2:4-5
But because of his great love for us,
God, who is rich in mercy, 
made us alive with Christ even when
we were dead in transgressions
it is by grace you have been saved.