
Wednesday 7 August 2013

Dance Like Somebody's Watching....

"Dance like nobody's watching."

That sounds good in theory, but if you actually saw how I dance when nobody's watching, you'd retract that statement. Trust me--it's disturbing.

My kids have walked in on it a few times and they'd be the first to confirm that I don't have a sense of rhythm. Have you ever seen a dancing inflatable man? That's me.

But I dance. I know that I'll never master the moonwalk or break dance without breaking my neck, but the One Who is watching takes pleasure in me when I live to glorify Him.

So I grab a girl and dip her like she's Ginger and I'm Fred Estaire. I take hold of a hand and dance with a boy who is laughing so hard he can't talk, and before we know it our kitchen's a dance floor and the sunshine is our spotlight. Together we dance like Somebody's watching.

We talk, we eat, we sleep, we work, we laugh, we live, and we dance like somebody's watching. And He is. With eyes of compassion upon us and grace that runs deep our God takes pleasure in the little things that we do as well as the big.

It's truly a mind-boggling thought to know that God is intimately connected with each and every one of us. There isn't one smile He doesn't see or one tear that goes unnoticed by Him. He cares that deeply for us.

And those days when you're dancing alone in the kitchen? You can be sure He's smiling with you. You are never forgotten, you are never alone.

Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

His eye is on the sparrow 
Should they soar or fall from grace
Whether they are far from home
Or nesting in their place

It is not by will or might
They spread their wings and fly
But by the mighty hand of God
released into to the sky

When you find yourself in darkness
Beneath a weight of shame
Call upon the Lord your God
He knows us all by name

And if your wing is broken--
If you’ve somehow lost your way
Call upon the master
His grace is yours today

You are loved by an almighty God,