
Monday 5 August 2013

Eat well – Stay Healthy!!!

Our bodies are our gardens – our wills are our gardeners. – William Shakespeare
~ Eat Well ~ Stay Healthy ~

Good Morning~Health Tips for the Day~

Raise your SerotoninBe Happy
Chocolate: High in Magnesium and other ‘feel good’ nutrients
Leafy Greens: Energy Enhancing
Walnuts: Loaded with Omega 3 and other brain nutrients
Epsom Salt: Calming
Water: Hydration increases energy and lowers stress
Cayenne Pepper: Depression Reliever
Banana: Helps raise serotonin
Green smoothie: For an energy zap
Smiling: Releases Happy Hormones
Walking: Clears the mind and raises serotonin
Almonds: Brain food and magnesium
Oats: Eases depression
Spend time Nature: Peace of mind and happiness

Health is Wealth … Share with friends , family… live healthy… .live happy

Source : Daily Health Inspirations