
Thursday 1 August 2013

The Rainbow: A Covenant from God

I set My rainbow in the cloud, 
and it shall be for the 
sign of the covenant between 
Me and the earth.

Covenant of God
When we see the rainbow we can always remember the covenant that God gave us to never flood the Earth again. This came after God destroyed the Earth by flooding it. God had Noah build an ark and had animals and his family get on it. Then it rains for 40 days and 40 nights. Several times in Genesis 9; does it mention the rainbow being a sign unto us, we also can see this rainbow in the clouds. A covenant is promise that will never be broken.

Likeness of the Glory of God
Ezekiel 1:28 tells us that the appearance of a rainbow on a rainy day is just like the appearance of God to us. So it also shows us the likeliness of the appearance of God to us. Since we see rainbows a lot all over the world. That shows us that God is all over the world and always with us. God is everywhere.

Rainbows in the Revelation
There was even mention of rainbows in the Book of Revelation. If you look at Revelation 4:3 we see that a rainbow is like an emerald. It surrounded the throne. Also in Revelation 10:1 it shows the angel appeared to a person. A Rainbow appeared on his head with his face like the sun.

A Reflection
A rainbow is a reflection sun (or light) in water (or rain). It gives off a spectrum of color. So you can say that a rainbow is the reflection of God. You can say the color is the people of the world. God loves us all.
The seven main colors of a rainbow:

I was thinking along of my daughter, she said the Jelly Bean Prayer but I was thinking more of how thePower Band Witnessing Tool. Both of these show how colors show a certain aspect of God.

Rainbow related quotes
“Life is like a rainbow. You need both sun and the rain to make its colors appear.”

The above quote is a good quote. Just like the colors need both the rain and sun to make them appear, we almost must have the rain and sun to survive. They both go hand and hand.

“May God give you … For ever storm a rainbow, for every tear a smile, for every care a promise and a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share, for every sigh a sweet song and an answer for each prayer.”

I also like the above quote because it shows you yet again how the rainbow is a promise from God.

Means of Grace
Check out this blog entry of mine entitled Means of Grace. This is one of the walks that you do on the Walk to the Emmaus. It talks about God’s Love & God’s Grace.

The Rainbow is …
According to J. Sidlow Baxter in his book Awake, My Heart he talks about the rainbow on two of his devotional pages (May 1 & May 2). He says The rainbow is every cloud that is permitted to overhang on the people of God. He also says the rainbow is in every cloud of trouble, sorrow and the dark cloud of death.

Baxter also talks about how the rainbow is a token. It betokens on kindness, severity, goodness and the faithfulness of God. He adds it is a seal of the great covenant. He adds the Cross is a perfect light-prism, with those light colors showing as righteousness, omnipotence, truth, immutability, holiness, wisdom, and love of God. It is also a sign of the mercy of God after his judgement.
This book of J. Sidlow Baxter was recommended by my Pastor to me to read. I have enjoyed reading it so far. I also recommend that you read that book too. I am looking forward to the rest of the years daily devotions within this book. If you want to know more about what J. Sidlow Baxter says about the rainbow, then I would advise to get the book and read it.
Don’t mistake it for

The world today views the rainbow differently. Usually when you hear about a rainbow, you often associate it with being homosexual. This is taking something of God and making it unholy. They give the rainbow a bad name. If you are homosexual you will not inherit the kingdom of God. (see Marriage: One Man, One Woman, Period!)

Sorry to disappoint
Sorry to disappoint you but there is no pot of gold on the other side nor any leprechauns.
What does the rainbow mean to you

I asked several of my friends what the rainbow means to them and this is some of the responses I got:
  • Amber (my daughter): Jelly Bean Prayer and meadow full of flowers. 
  • Paula (my mom): God’s promise there will be no more flooding. 
  • Mary: Hope 
  • Sheri: It gives me a sense of peace and well being when I see one. 
  • Sheri: God is always there and loves us along with being a reminder of the promise He made to us. 
  • Shawn: Peace … Calmness after a storm! 
  • Andrea: A rainbow is God’s way of showing us that everything is gonna be okay. 
  • Erin: Promise fulfilled 
  • Michelle: Rainbow is God’s promise. Gives us hope. 
  • Dana: Rainbow means Gods promise to always take care of me… I always feel peace when I see it. 
  • Bekah: Also reminds me of a time we were in Taiwan and we tried to “chase” a rainbow and find the end of it! Didn’t work. LoL! 
  • Bekah: Reminds me of my Mom actually! It’s always been he symbol from God that everything’s gonna be alright. When we moved to a new city in Taiwan and they were unloading the crate, one appeared and it confirmed everything Mom needed to know. (Usually my “thing”/symbol is a beautiful sunset) But also, it’s always been an encouragement to me. It’s something that’s so beautiful and colorful that can only be seen at the right time. Usually after a storm. The rain stops/slows, the sun comes out, and there’s this beautiful rainbow in the sky. A reminder that yes, you’ll go through storms (some harder than others) but after you endure and persevere, there’s a beautiful image waiting to beheld but it will only shine through AFTER one has struggled through the rain. 

What does the rainbow mean to me?
It was only fair for me to share what the rainbow means to me. I did after all ask my friends the same question and used their responses as well.

I see the rainbow as God’s promise to us. I know that when I see it God gave usa promise that he won’t break. It reminds me of promises I have made to God. Those promises I make to God, I shouldn’t break just like the covenant he made with us on Earth. It also reminds me of the beauty he created.

Let us rejoice and thank God for the wonderful promise to never flood the Earth with water again. It is also said the rainbow is God’s glowing covenant. God Keeps His Promises! If you look close enough we can see the rainbows in our own lives of the promises that God has given us. Too often we take advantage of it and don’t see it or thank God for it or show appreciation.
Response time!

So tell me what the rainbow means to you?