
Monday 14 October 2013

Where Did The Time Go ?

I look into the mirror of time
I have traveled many roads upon the landscape
Moments captured in collaged memories
I kissed the hearts of many with my love
It helped open their sky for a moment
Seasons changed and spring would come
They would fade into the landscape
Leaving behind traces of their once
Broken dreams
Rain fell from my eyes each time
Leaving me in wonder of it all
Now I sit
Rocking away time
The phone doesn’t ring
No one knocks on the door
Nothing more to explore
Where did the time go?

©Kimberly Dawn 2012

Note to reader: Life is too short not to live every moment to the fullest. Make time for God and seek blessings in all life’s experiences. Spend time with family and open your heart to love. Hang on to true friends tightly. Don’t fear what you think is impossible because you never know what’s possible unless you take that step of faith.