
Friday 1 November 2013

What a day

What A Day

What a Day, what a day, what a beautiful day;
When we see our Lord Jesus face to face.
Just imagine the joy that there is going to be
When we see our Jesus some sweet day.
Oh what a day, what a beautiful day!
I hear angels singing, and welcoming us in.
We'll rejoice to see our loved ones then.
It's been so long since they've been gone;
Now I've come, they're welcoming me home.
What a Day, what a day this has been!
I'm so glad, so very glad that Jesus loved me.
He rescued me, and set me free
To love and worship him... What would I have done?
Had I gone the other way, I'd never known this beautiful day.
What a day, what a day, what a grand and glorious day;
What a wonderful day this has been.
Thank you Jesus for bearing all my sin.
I will sing your praises both night and day.
"What a Day", What a Grand and Glorious Day this has been!
~Patricia G. Alatia~