
Wednesday 11 December 2013

This is My Bible!

The Bible is a book that's 100% inspired by God and therefore it is the Word of God. 
<2 Timothy 3:16>

God can't lie and what He saids is more solid than the ground we stands upon therefore we can trust it to 100% and know that it's the truth. <Hebrews 6:18, Matthew 24:35>

One thing that's very important in your Christian life is that you take time to read the Bible.

First of all because we want to get to know God better. 

To get guidance in our daily life. God's Word it's like a candle in the dark and helps us to know which way to go. <Psalms 119:105, Psalms 32:8>

To grow in our spiritual life. To grow in our Christian life we need food. We get that food thru reading the Bible. <Matthew 4:4, Romans 10:17>. The Bible gives us the food that our spirit needs to not perish. As sure as our body can't live without food, our spirit can't live without reading the Bible. We need to read the Bible every day to always keep our relationship with God fresh and alive. If you don't read the Bible regularly your Christian life will be as lifeless as a desert! But if you read the Bible and take time to be with the Lord every day you will keep your relationship with God fresh and alive.

To reveal false teachings.
The Bible tells us that in the last days (the time we now live in!) there will be lots of false teachings and false prophets. <Matthew 24:3-5, Mark 13:3-6, Mark 13:21-22> That's why it's so important to know what the Bible saids so we can compare all teachings with the Word of God. The fact is that every teaching that doesn't agree with what the Word of God saids, is a false teaching! Therefore compare every teaching with what the Bible saids. If you aren't aware of what the Bible saids you can get cheated into almost anything.

To know what you believe in.
The more of God's Word you know and act upon the stronger your faith will be. <Romans 10:17>

To always keep your Sword sharp! The Bible is the sword that God has given us, so we can conquer all the temptations we meet. <Ephesians 6:17> A sword that isn't sharp does no good. Therefore we need to keep it in good condition and sharpen it (improve our bibleknowledge) every day so it's always sharp and ready to be used!

The Bible is God's letter to us. 
Unfortunately many people don't take time to read it and then miss all the great things God wants to tell them. Here are some advices to help you to get the most out of your Bible reading:

Ask God to help you to understand what you are reading. God is the real author and inspiration to the Bible. <2 Timothy 3:16> Since God is the author He is also the one that can help you to understand. Ask God to help you and He will.

Variate your Bible reading. Try to read something from both the old and the new Testament every day.

Make a plan for your reading. If you don't have a plan but just read what you feel for, you will most possibly be confused and have a hard time to get the big picture. So make a plan for your reading, either by buying a plan in the Christian bookstore or do a plan of your own. If you got a plan, strategy and for example read the Bible books historically when things happened, you will understand much more and get more out of your reading.

Try to read the Bible at special times during the day, for example in the morning and in the evening. If you have some special times reserved for Bible reading it will be easier to concentrate yourself. Another good thing with reading the Bible at special times is that the risk then is much smaller that you forget to read it.

Try to read through the whole Bible in one year. It ain't that hard as it seems. To get through the Bible in one year you need to read like 3-4 chapters each day. To read a chapter takes like 5 minutes. So, if you take time and spend only like 20 minutes a day you will get through the Bible in a year! I'm sure everyone can do this. If you read through the Bible once a year you will understand the scriptures as a whole much better. If you just read the New Testament you will miss the important background that the New Testament builds upon. There are so many prophecies and things in the Old Testament that helps us to understand the New Testament. We need to read both to get the whole picture.

Take time to think and analyze what you have read. It's very important that you not just read the Bible but also take time to think about what you have read! When you do that, you will easier understand what the Bible wants to tell you today, in your situation.

Act on the Word! It's not enough to know what the Bible saids, you must also act upon it in your daily life. It's first when you act upon it you show that you really believe in what the Bible saids.

And last but not least: write down good scriptures and try to memorize them. You will have good use of this, especially when you witness to others.