
Monday 10 February 2014

Write your own prayer

I’ve never heard the audible voice of God. But as I was meditating on the bold, miracle-embracing prayer of Jabez in I Chronicles 4:9-10 recently, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart: “Write your own prayer.”

The result was my Prayer of Jeanette:
  1. Change me to think and behave, but especially to love, like You;
  2. Use me to create that which glorifies You and enlarges others’ hearts;
  3. Love me in ways only You can love, so I know it’s You;
  4. Protect me from darkness of thought and word;
  5. Empower me to achieve far more than I alone am capable of, so others will acknowledge You and love you;
  6. Make me fruitful—full of fruit—colorful, sweet and nourishing;
  7. Prosper me—cause me to go forward, increase me—so that I may impart more than I take. In Jesus’ Name, so be it. 
Have you considered writing “The Prayer of (your name)?” Just as writing our goals helps us achieve them, writing a life prayer may enable us to see how our loving Father works in our behalf year by year.

What item will merit the #1 spot in your life prayer?
by Jeanette Levellie