
Thursday 6 March 2014

The Fruits of Speech...

Have you ever wanted to shout or snap back
a sarcastic remark to someone who has hurt you?

Many times if not often we find ourselves in an awkward
uncomfortable situation or perhaps it's not the
situation at all, but instead we are just being
plain selfish. I have found that the best thing
to do in such circumstances is to pray...
pray for wisdom, pray for patience and pray Scripture.
To put on the words of 1 Corinthians 13
even when we don't feel like it is hard,
but not impossible with prayer.
Being kind to our family members,
friends and acquaintances can not be done in our
own strength, but only by God's grace.

One of the ways we can implement kind speech
into our lives is by carefully guarding our tongues.
We should often ask ourselves these questions
before we speak words to our fellow men.

"Does this encourage, build, edify, strengthen... him/her?

Do these words bring glory to God... 
or do they bring glory to myself?...

Are my motives seeking to tear down 
the person or to build them up?"

Proverbs 18:21 tells us that~
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
and those who love it will eat its fruits."

We do, indeed, hold so much power in our
tongues... the Bible tells us so.
Our tongue can destroy leaving ugly residue or
it can give beauty and leave glorious
fruits that are precious to behold.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss explains poignantly... 

"All too often we throw out words without
thinking of the consequences...... 
Our words can do enormous good- our enormous damage.They can be life giving - or life destroying.

Proverbs 10:11 reminds us that our words can be like
a spring of refreshing water to a weary traveler.

My friend, God is our fountain. 
He alone can motivate and enable usto speak words that give true life."

Our words can be a rich source of blessing,
encouragement and delight.

How can you bless someone with your words this week?

"A word fitly spoken is like apples
of gold in pictures of silver."
-Proverbs 25:11

More precious than the most
magnificent presents or valuable jewels,
your gracious words will last forever in
your recipients hearts.

~Blessings, dear readers~

paintings by~ Norman Rockwell