
Friday 3 October 2014

Love Hearts Fudge Candy Recipe

I needed to make 6 individual batches of fudge, so I started by combining 8 ounces of white chocolate chips and 1/3 of a can of sweetened condensed milk. I heated it in the microwave, colored it, allowed it to cool, roll the fudge into balls and press them into the heart mold. I immediately froze them and popped them out 15 minutes later.

They looked practically perfect - as perfect as a conversation heart should be, anyway.

I just kneaded them until smooth and pressed them back into the molds. It's so nice when a recipe gone awry can be saved.
Just follow my recipe below and you'll end up with 36 colorful conversation hearts to share with loved ones.
Fudge Conversation Hearts (makes 36 hearts)
fudge recipe adapted from Eagle Brand Creamy White Fudge

  • 1 1/2 pounds (24 ounces) finely chopped white chocolate (or chips)
  • or white confectionery coating
  • 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
  • pink, green, orange (or mix red and yellow), purple (or mix red and blue), and yellow food coloring
  • red food coloring
  • medium saucepan
  • 1 or 2 Wilton Silicone 24 Cavity Heart Molds
  • clay text embossing set (plastic alphabet stamps) - cleaned and used for food only
  • small food only paint brush or pastry brush
Make the white chocolate fudge:

Heat white chocolate or white confectionery coating and sweetened condensed milk in a medium saucepan over low heat. Stir frequently until about half of the chocolate or candy coating is melted. Turn off heat or remove from stove top and let sit for two minutes then stir until smooth. The heat from the melted chocolate will help to melt the remaining pieces of chocolate. If you still have un-melted pieces, set the pan back over low heat for a minute, then repeat.

NOTE: If you overheat this creamy white fudge, it will become greasy as the cocoa butter may seep out of the chocolate. If that happens, the best way to salvage the fudge is to cool it down by spreading it on marble or granite and kneading it until the cocoa butter mixes back into the fudge. 
The cold from the marble or granite will help cool the fudge. Use a plastic bench scraper or spatula to scrape the fudge up off the marble and continually knead it until all the cocoa butter is worked back into the fudge and it is smooth. (This is actually a picture of greasy white modeling chocolate from my Chocolate Making Tips page, but this technique can help save greasy fudge too.)

Another option is to add a tablespoon or two of sweetened condensed milk or cold heavy whipping cream. Once you stir the fudge it will cool down and the cocoa butter should mix back in. This will make your fudge softer, but it will work in a pinch.

Color the white chocolate fudge:
Equally divide the fudge into six bowls. Stir in food coloring, adding one drop at a time until you get the colors you like. You'll want a bowl of pink, orange, green, yellow, purple and white. These are traditional conversation heart colors.

You can use grocery store food coloring or any type of candy or frosting coloring you have.

Form the fudge hearts:
Allow the fudge to cool and thicken for 30-60 minutes. If you are in a hurry, you can refrigerate the fudge for about 15 minutes.

Scoop the fudge out of the bowl and knead it in your hands until smooth. Pinch off about a tablespoonful and roll it into a ball. Set it in one of the heart cavities in the silicone mold. Press it into the heart cavity flattening it and removing any fudge that doesn't fit in the cavity. Really press down on the fudge, eliminating any air bubbles or holes.

I made a double batch of fudge, so there are 12 pink and 12 orange hearts, you should have 6 of each color if you use the recipe above.
Place the filled mold in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.

Remove fudge hearts from the freezer and turn the mold upside down, pressing on the backside of the mold allowing the hearts to fall out. If they don't come out nicely, put them back in the freezer for a few more minutes. If these fudge hearts are left in the freezer for too long, they will get sticky as condensation will adhere to them, so don't let them freeze much more than a total of 20 minutes.

Wash and dry the mold and repeat the process with the remaining colors of fudge.

Turn the fudge hearts into conversation hearts:

Create conversation heart phrases using the letters from a clay text embossing set. I used Walnut Hollow's Clay Embossing Set, but any small alphabet stamps should work just be sure to lay out the letters in a mirror image of what will be printed.

Brush red food coloring over the letter stamps.

Press the first word of your conversation heart phrase onto the top part of your fudge hearts. Press down so that the letters imprint into the fudge.

Press the second word of your conversation heart phrase onto the bottom part of your fudge hearts making sure the whole word fits.

Use a nice variety of phrases on your conversation heart fudge. You can add whatever phrases you like, just be aware that only 4 letters will fit across each heart.

Don't worry if your letters look a bit smudged, as that is really what many conversation hearts look like anyway.

If you don't have or don't want to buy the embossing letters, you can use a food coloring marker to add your sweet messages to your conversation heart fudge.

Store you Conversation Heart Fudge in an airtight container for up to a few weeks.

- Beth - See more at: