

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Chocolate Digestive Cookie Fudge

Digestive Fudge Cookies (Choose Between 2 recipes...)

Number 1:
  • 100g margarine
  • 100g granulated sugar
  • 100g digestive biscuits
  • 15ml syrup
  • 1 small tin sweetened condensed milk
  • 100g cooking chocolate
  1. Melt margarine and sugar in a large pan
  2. Add syrup, condensed milk and bring slowly to the boil
  3. Boil until brown in colour ( about 10 minutes) 
  5. Remove from heat and beat for a few minutes until bubbles subside
  6. Crush biscuits in a polythene bag and stir them into fudge mixture
  7. Spread in greased and lined swiss roll tin and leave to cool
  8. Topping Melt chocolate and spread over base
  9. When set and cold cut into small squares

Number 2:
  • 4oz (120g) Butter 
  • 4oz (120g) caster sugar or soft dark brown sugar 
  • 1 level tablespoon golden syrup 
  • 7 fl oz condensed milk 
  • 250g McVities digestive biscuits plus 4 biscuits 
  • 200g Galaxy chocolate 
  1. You need a cooker, a medium saucepan, wooden spoon, glass mixing bowl, metal spoon, butter knife (soft bladed knife non serrated), set of scales, measuring jug, cake tin approx 20cm x 20cm x 4cm deep. 
  1. Melt the butter in the saucepan over a low heat. 
  2. Add the sugar and syrup and continue to stir over a low heat for a minute or two until mixture blended. 
  3. Add the condensed milk and simmer for a couple of minutes. Keep stirring and keep heat low then remove from heat. 
  4. Put the biscuits in a large mixing bowl and crush to bread crumb consistency. 
  5. Add the crushed biscuits stirring thoroughly. 
  6. Pour into cake tin spreading evenly, I find banging the tin on the work surface helps to spread the mixture evenly. 
  7. Leave to cool naturally preferably away from flies. BIG tip do not be tempted to lick the spoon, you will never finish what you have started! 
  1. Break the chocolate into the glass mixing bowl. 
  2. Quarter fill the now washed up medium saucepan with water and put on to boil. 
  3. Place the glass bowl with chocolate in the saucepan, turn heat down to simmer. 
  4. Allow the chocolate to melt stirring with metal spoon to aid the chocolate to break down. 
  5. When melted pour over the biscuit base, again I find it helps to spread the chocolate by banging tin on the work top. 
  6. Leave to cool completely. 
  7. Take butter knife and mark out squares. 
  8. Put in fridge. 
Share with friends and enjoy!!!!