
Friday 13 September 2013

The Pebble in my Pocket

"I love you, Lord; you are my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the strength of my salvation, and my stronghold." Psalm 18:1-2 New Living Translation

For many years, while working as an institutional cook in jails, I carried a shiny, smooth pebble in my uniform pocket. I still carry one in my purse. Why a shiny, smooth pebble?
  • Because, whenever I feel pressured by the cares of this world, I slip my hand into my pocket and feel my pebble. I remember the following truths about my walk with my Lord. 
  • Because the Lord is my rock, He will smooth out the rough edges of life with His wisdom and guidance. 
  • Because the Lord is my fortress and my Savior, I can hide in Him for protection from the enemy's attacks. 
  • Because the Lord is my shield, what have I to fear? I am safe in Him. 
  • Because the Lord is my strength, I don't need to be concerned about these powerful forces coming against me. I am not weak and timid! I have Jesus as my source of strength. 
  • Because the Lord is my stronghold, I am safe inside these prison walls. 
I worked in the Prison industry for eight years. During that time, I had many opportunities to pull out my little pebble and talk to my inmate workers about my Lord. I was often asked how I, a Christian grandma lady, could work around all these male inmates with such a cheerful countenance and no apparent fear. On those occasions, when possible, I would bring out my little pebble and share about my Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord has been glorified through his Word many times because of a shiny smooth pebble object lesson. My men were able to see my Lord shining through my witness of daily "walking in His strength."

I cannot count the times I have been called before my intimidating bosses for one reason or another. They never knew my hand was in my uniform pocket holding my pebble, praying for my Lord's strength to handle whatever new crisis had arisen. Being the only woman in an all-male profession offered many unique challenges and I needed supernatural wisdom and strength to do my job. On many occasions, I was called to work with men who were heavily into Satanism. There were times when I encountered riot situations. I often worked alone (as the only woman) with as many as fifty male inmate workers. Remember, in a kitchen, there are knives and many other items available which can be used as weapons.

My Lord was always faithful to give me wisdom, strength, and protection.

The shiny little pebble in my pocket was a tangible reminder of my unseen Father's love and grace. So, how about finding a pebble to carry in YOUR pocket?

We would love to hear about any unusual witnessing tool you may have used. Drop us a line and tell us about it.
By: Diane Boone, retired Prison Cook
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